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New UFA petroleum agents ready to serve Weyburn area

"The more we learned about UFA, the more it aligned with our approach to business; providing quality products supported by excellent service," said Laura Lee.

WEYBURN - Jason and Laura Lee Petersen, the new UFA petroleum agents in Weyburn, are proof that volunteering pays off. After all, it’s what brought them together over 20 years ago.

“We are both community-minded and we volunteered at the local dinner theatre,” said Laura Lee. “We were cast as boyfriend and girlfriend in the play, and by the end of it, let’s just say, we weren’t acting!”

They both grew up in rural Saskatchewan. Jason grew up in Lake Alma, a village about an hour south of Weyburn. He developed a strong work ethic early on in life. His family was active in the community, ran a mixed farm with grain and cattle and there was always work to be done.

Laura Lee’s family ran a grain farm in Radville, southwest of Weyburn. In addition to farming, her parents also operated pedigree seed and agriculture management coaching businesses.

She inherited some of her family’s entrepreneurial spirit and perhaps that’s why opening the new UFA petroleum agency in Weyburn was appealing.

The couple made their home in Lake Alma for a decade before moving to the farm they call home today. Running a cattle ranch, raising an active 12-year-old son, and both working off the farm, make for busy days, not that it stopped Laura Lee from pursuing her life-long dream of getting her MBA. “It is definitely a family MBA,” she laughs. “As a busy working mom, it took a lot of support and patience from my family.”

Laura Lee has an impressive resume that includes managing national Human Resource projects. Together with Jason’s many years of experience in the fuel and agriculture business, they have the ideal mix of skills and expertise to run a successful petroleum agency.

Why UFA? Laura Lee said it was a no-brainer. “We saw lots of signage and heard the buzz that UFA was expanding in Saskatchewan, so we kept our eye out for the agent posting,” she said. “Reviewing the qualifications, we ticked every box. And the more we learned about UFA, the more it aligned with our approach to business; providing quality products supported by excellent service.”

Jason adds that UFA being a member-owned co-operative was the determining factor. “We believe strongly in the co-operative business model; patronage can be a real difference-maker for members. We have had many conversations with leadership at UFA, and it is clear they have a vested interest in their agent’s success. When an organization has a service-leader mentality, it trickles down. And that’s obvious with UFA.”

Both Jason and Laura Lee are active in their communities including volunteer work with the local Recreation Board, minor hockey and 4-H. “We’ve been raised to give back to the communities we serve,” said Laura Lee.

The couple also emphasizes the importance of knowing your market and your customers. “UFA is a western Canadian company that understands agriculture, the energy sector and the overall needs of the Weyburn area. And through UFA, we will be the exclusive distributors of Dieselex® Gold, which is a proven product that consistently outperforms other diesel fuel,” said Jason.

Jason and Laura Lee welcome the opportunity and look forward to supplying Weyburn and area with great products and great service from a state-of-the-art facility.

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