CARLYLE - The Carlyle Leisure Complex recently received a $1,786 donation from FMC in conjunction with local area sales of its products through Precision Ag Services of Carlyle.
FMC is an agricultural sciences company with over 6,500 employees worldwide. It has been present in Canada for over 15 years and is partnered with growers across the country. It provides a broad range of crop protection, chemistry and agronomic service and support.
FMC is the proud inventor of the Precision Pac Application Innovation System. It includes three custom herbicide blends that uniquely targets producer fields for fall field weed challenges. Precision Ag. is a full service crop input retail business with four locations in southeast Saskatchewan, including Carlyle, Griffin, Odessa and Carnduff.
Partnered with FMC, Precision Ag was able to donate a certain percentage of its fall herbicide sales and has designated the Carlyle Leisure Complex as its beneficiary. Said Precision Ag procurement manager Dan Reaves, “Precision Ag is proud to be a viable and successful business here in Carlyle and surrounding area. We are a local business that supports the local community. Buy local, support local.’”