The spring meeting of the Northwest Museums Association was hosted by members of the Rabbit Lake Museum May 3.
Members were welcomed by Ruth Hrynewich at the seniors' centre. After name tags and goodie bags were distributed, coffee and refreshments were enjoyed by the 32 members who attended from Besaylor, Glaslyn, Lashburn, Loon Lake, Maidstone, Meadow Lake, St. Walburg, Spiritwood, Wilkie, Frenchman Butte and Rabbit Lake.
Mayor Don Peters brought greetings from the village.
Networker Gwen Zweifel chaired the meting and business of the NWMA was dealt with in the morning. A delicious lunch of beef stew and biscuits was served at noon with homemade ice cream for dessert. The meal was followed by a hilarious skit for entertainment performed by Muriel Kotelko and as Loretta Lynn and Sheila Bacheldor as Minnie Pearl, both of the Mayfair district.
In the afternoon guest speaker Paul Gingras from Regina spoke on grants available through Saskatchewan Culture. A second speaker, Cameron Hart from Sasktoon, talked about the use and benefits of archives.
Members of the Wilkie Museum offered to host the fall meeting, tentatively scheduled for early October. Following adjournment, members were given a tour of the Rabbit Lake Museum building, thus ending an enjoyable and informative day.