MAIDSTONE — Cribbage was played at the Maidstone Drop In Centre Jan. 23 with high score going to Bev Stewart and low to Dorothy Schwartz, who supplied lunch.
Bingo was played Jan. 25 with a good turnout. Callers were Joan Smith and Margaret MacEachern, who also served lunch provided by Jean Hartman.
Cribbage was played Jan. 30 with high score going to Dorothy Schwartz and low to Cheryl McCaskill, who supplied lunch.
The monthly meeting was held at the seniors’ centre Feb. 3 at 1 p.m. The January-February potluck luncheon will be held at noon Feb. 15. A stew and biscuit luncheon will be held at noon March 22. Admission is $8 and everyone is welcome. Next meeting will be March 10 at 1 p.m. Lunch followed provided by Sharon Rudd and Cheryl McCaskill.
After lunch, three volunteers from Lashburn who are affiliated with Britannia Wilton Rural Crime Watch presented information on fraud of different kinds that target seniors. Also on hand was RCMP Cst. Ryan Reid. The main speaker was Colin Venables assisted by Rocky Underhill and Norbert Ens. A time for questions followed this presentation and pamphlets were available on investment fraud, telemarketing fraud, home renovations fraud, identity fraud and pyramid scams. Several visitors were present, as it was advertised and open to the public. It was interesting and informative.