The weather took a nasty turn for the worse, last week, and the school buses didn't operate Wednesday or Thursday due to the extreme wind chill. A few elementary students braved the cold to attend classes, so Thursday there was a total of 15 students in the school.
These days are an opportunity for students to catch up on any unfinished assignments, practice math skills, or do some extra reading. For staff members, it is a chance to have meetings that would usually take place after school, make exams and realign the trophy case.
It was certainly quiet in the school, and everyone was happy to see the students back in their classrooms Friday.
Wednesday, division consultant, Donna DesRoches, visited the Grade 4 and 5 classroom. She is helping to set up the new computer app called See Saw with the class. Students are able to talk about their learning and record it so their teacher and parents can see it. Donna will return to the class Wednesday afternoon to set up the app with the rest of the class.
Broomball equipment has arrived from the Saskatchewan Broomball Association. The school has use of the equipment for a few months, so students of all ages will learn to play broomball.
The senior girls' basketball team will be playing their first game in Hafford on Thursday and will be attending a tournament in St. Walburg on Saturday.
Jean Anne Jackson is a volunteer member of the organization called Pawsitive Independence Autism Service Dogs of Saskatchewan. This is the group through which Jean Anne receives her service puppies that spend time in the school. Thursday evening, the group sponsored a paint night in Saskatoon. Jean Anne, Jean Brehon, Twyla Stott and Cathy Gillatt attended the evening. They each came home with a painting of their own creation.
Allison, Kimberly and Tyson Wawryk attended a ski racing competition on Saturday. Kimberly earned the bronze medal in her age category.
Semester one exams begin next week. Semester 2 classes begin Monday, Jan. 30.
The curling teams have started practicing Monday evenings at the Radisson Curling Club. Special thanks to Dennis Wawryk for coaching the teams and Derek Murphy for making sure the curling rink is open and the ice is ready. The school has four curling teams this year.