MAIDSTONE — Coreen Newton of Red Deer, Alta. and her mom Denise Newton spent the Christmas and New Year holiday with Keshia and family at Glaslyn. They enjoyed the Christmas concert, piano recital and hockey while there.
Ruth Enright enjoyed the Christmas season. Visiting her before Christmas were her son and daughter-in-law Tim and Bev Weenhandl and Dorothy Wagner. She spent Christmas with her granddaughter where four generation attended.
Leon Lafabvre and Wendy of Cold Lake, Alta. took their aunt Jean Stewart and Anne Reeds out for supper.
I didn't get around to everyone and couldn't reach them by phone, so will have to try next week.
I had a wonderful Christmas with my family. Duncan MacEachern of Marsden held Christmas and New Year at the Manitou Bible Camp at Marsden. The family was all there: Hazel of Saskatoon; and Tom, Jean, Christopher Allison and great-grandson Tommy, Murdine, Gabrielle, Aden and Jaylyn all of Prince George, B.C. Mable Scouler, Tillie Burt, Ryan Scouler and Murna and Kim Scoular and friend and Keith and Claire Paton all came to visit. It was a great time with food galore. It was the first time my family had been all together for 25 years. We took pictures.
Jean Hartman enjoyed Christmas with Marie and Gerald Hartman and relatives. Between Christmas and New Years Day she went to Saskatoon with Dawn and Kieth and saw all their families from Saskatoon, Ontario, California and Lloydminster, Alta.
New Year’s Day was celebrated at Marie and Gerald Hartman's with all their family home.
Hopefully 2017 will be as good or better than last year.