Another enjoyable potluck luncheon was held at Action Now Senior Center.
June 8, approximately 40 people came out to honour the May/June birthday celebrants as seven members received congratulations and best wishes.
Unfortunately there were others who were unable to attend and we extend our congratulations to them as well. Â Blessings to Reine Lessard, who celebrated her 99th birthday June 14.
Thanks to Margaret Fedun and helpers for hosting the event and to all who brought food for the meal.
A sincere welcome was extended to the following quests who were invited by some of the members — Bernice Baker, Ruby Heidel, Nellie Welford, Jean Sadowsky, Francis Michelle and Connie Leask. Hopefully they enjoyed the luncheon and the Kaiser that followed and will join us again in the near future.
Rain or shine, there will be our annual picnic held July 13 consisting of card games, bingo and supper. All are welcome to attend and enjoy.