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When weeds wage war on forage stands Nadia Mori

In the flurry of activities on a farm or ranch, it is easy to forgo the critical task of weed scouting or surveying. In the meantime, weeds can be busy invading a forage stand while killing yield potential.

Supplemental grazing for late fall and winter

By Nadia Mori Regional forage specialist Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Grazing of crop residue and stockpiled forages can be supplemental feeding options in addition to swath grazing annuals, grazing corn, or bale grazing.

Agriculture This Week - Robots will find home on the farm

The idea of robotics in agriculture has long intrigued me.

Rail service review released for 2014/15

The Ag Transport Coalition has released a review of railway service performance for the 2014/15 grain year.

Harvest inches slowly forward

Producers have nine per cent of the 2015 crop combined and 10 per cent swathed or ready to straight-cut, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Weekly Crop Report.

Supplemental grazing for late fall and winter

By Nadia Mori Regional forage specialist Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Grazing of crop residue and stockpiled forages can be supplemental feeding options in addition to swath grazing annuals, grazing corn, or bale grazing.

Consider winter wheat

It can be tough to think about next year’s crop before this one is in the bin, but winter wheat is well worth growing. It spreads out the spring and fall workloads, though planting winter wheat is likely to overlap with harvest.

Frustrated by the potholes in the province’s highway system?

Recently I had the opportunity to drive Highway No. 22 from Killaly to Lemberg, and a couple of weeks earlier I had covered the stretch from Highway No. 10 to Lemberg.

Consider winter wheat

By Cory Jacob Regional crops specialist Watrous Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture It can be tough to think about next year’s crop before this one is in the bin, but winter wheat is well worth growing.

Agriculture This Week - Important wheat quality retained

Canada has long had a reputation in the world marketplace for producing a high quality wheat. It has in essence been this country’s ace-in-the-hole in terms of marketing wheat even in times of low prices.
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