Gord Paulley is a freelance reporter for the Carlyle Observer and started writing for the paper in September 2021. Previously, he was a financial advisor for CIBC and retired in 2018 after 43 years of service.
Paulley has lived in Carlyle since 1986 and is very involved in the community. He has been secretary of the Carlyle Golf Club for many years and is also a member of the town council. He is presently vice-president of the Carlyle and District Lions Club and is a Lions Zone Chairman.
Gord is an avid golfer and loves all sports. Some 30 years ago, he wrote a regular weekly column in the Observer reporting on the Carlyle Cougars Senior Hockey Team. He is a past-president of the Big Six Hockey League.
Paulley’s preference is human interest stories, and he promotes positively anything and everything that takes place in south-eastern Saskatchewan. He is creative, eager to work on any story, and share his findings. You can phone or text him at 306-575-8834 or email him at [email protected].