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Where are the Yankees, and Tiger?

Is it just me or was the World Series just not as compelling this year without the New York Yankees involved? It's probably just me.

Is it just me or was the World Series just not as compelling this year without the New York Yankees involved? It's probably just me.

I'll admit that baseball is not my favourite sport in the first place, but I tried to pay attention this year and just couldn't seem to maintain an interest.

I understand that it was a great match-up, what with San Francisco's stellar pitching and the fact that Texas has one of the best offences in all of baseball, but there's just something about it that made me switch over to Family Guy re-runs.

Now I know you're probably disgusted, thinking, "This guy is a Yankees fan?" But the answer is no. In fact I loathe the Yanks just like 90 per cent of the world - I just have so much fun cheering against them, that I enjoy watching them in the Fall Classic.

Last year when they played the Phillies - and sadly won - I was rooting for Philadelphia so hard that I almost dressed up as the Philly Phanatic for Halloween.

Maybe it's just Texas and San Francisco that turned me off, because come to think of it, I watched pretty closely in previous years when the Yankees weren't involved.

I've just hated the Giants for years, strictly due to the fact that Barry Bonds wore their colours. Obviously he's gone now but the orange and black still reminds me of him, and I think it always will.
I have nothing against the Rangers, and I even enjoy watching Cliff Lee pitch, but it just wasn't enough.

* * *

If you're like me, you cracked a smile when news broke that Tiger Woods is no longer the No. 1 ranked golfer in the world.

When the official rankings came out on Monday with England's Lee Westwood at No. 1 and Woods at No. 2, it was the first time in 281 consecutive weeks that Tiger wasn't atop the list, and I had to chuckle.

I am not a Woods fan, but it has nothing to do with his personal problems off the golf course. It has more to do with the fact that he wins all the time, (at least he used to) and I love cheering against him.
I actually missed Woods on the PGA Tour when he took his long leave of absence a while back because I love watching guys try to beat him. It's almost like my issue with the Yankees: I love watching them play, only because I take pride in cheering against them. The only difference is, I respect Tiger as an athlete, and enjoy watching him compete.

In a way, I hope he can find his game once again, and get back on top.

I'm sure he will.

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