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These things I think

I'm not sure when or why it happened, but I think there is a serious lack of respect for the property of others in this community.The story I am about to tell you is true. Gross, but true.

I'm not sure when or why it happened, but I think there is a serious lack of respect for the property of others in this community.The story I am about to tell you is true. Gross, but true.A few weeks ago, a friend - for privacy issues let's just say an Estevan resident - was taking a look around their property and came across a discovery which would be kind of funny if it weren't so damn disgusting.What was this discovery you ask? A condom. I'll let that one sink in for a few seconds. Yes, this resident of our fine city, who understandably might be questioning the decisions that led to a move here, found a condom decorating the lawn. And for the sake of not getting overly graphic, let's just say it wasn't in the wrapper.Now, I'm not one for all these Internet or texting abbreviations, but I would definitely have thrown out a WTF if I was the one who happened upon this nasty little nugget.I obviously can't get in the mind of this person and know what they think, but if it were me to find this monstrosity on my lawn, I would have had a lot of thoughts and questions running through my head. Primarily, when did my lawn become the freakin' Bunny Ranch? That would have been followed by, who does this sort of thing?Is this what we've sunk to Estevan? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for safe sex and everything, but when did we become a community where people are: a) having intimate relations on people's lawns and leaving behind the evidence or b) just randomly tossing their used prophylactics out the window of their vehicle while driving down the back alley? Which by the way takes a rather impressive level of dexterity.The underlying problem is a total lack of respect for others in this community. You see it in the crazy amount of vandalism that has happened in the past few months. You see it in all the litter in Estevan. You see it in the way people park absolutely anywhere they want with no regard for others. For Christ sake, city council had to pass a bylaw that prohibits people from taking a leak in public. Is this the city we want to be, or be known as? I'm not trying to get all Little House on the Prairie with the morality lessons here, but when did do unto others as you would like they them to do unto you, turn into do whatever you want, just make sure to do it first? When did the savages take control?I really do like living here and don't see myself moving anytime soon. But it's stories like these that make a person take stock of things. If you can believe it, this story gets even better. Saturday, the resident in question was out doing some yard work as people often do on a nice Saturday. As this person was working in the yard they happened upon you guessed it, condom number two. So if you're keeping score at home, this person has found two condoms on the lawn in what was apparently a rather amorous August.Stay classy, Estevan.

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