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Speaking of gas, elections and buying the Leafs

How about a little money talk this week. It might just be your favourite subject, right after Charlie Sheen and the Saskatchewan Roughriders off-season rumours.

How about a little money talk this week. It might just be your favourite subject, right after Charlie Sheen and the Saskatchewan Roughriders off-season rumours.

You know how the Americans keep talking about what a disaster it will be if the cost of their gas at the pumps ever gets to $5 a gallon?

Well, all they have to do is cast their eyes and cameras to the north and they'll find out.

They're sitting at around $3.80 per U.S. gallon and right now; we're sitting at around $5.50 a U.S. gallon. Yep, that's what I've been told by the folks who know how to convert litres into imperial gallons into American gallons.

Does anybody want to take a bet that when the price of oil drops back to $75 or $80 a barrel again, the price at the pumps will only drop to around $1.02 or so and we'll all celebrate and forget the fact that it was 89 to 92 cents a litre when the price of oil was $75 to $80 the last time around? The industry prefers these teeny incremental increases because not so many of us see how we're being duped. It's the same thing as packaging our other consumer goods. Their scam seems to work in another way. They keep the same price, but lower the quantity or volume of the product in the box. Incremental increases the creeping game.

Are potash royalty rates too low?

I don't know. Do you?

Next topic.

We've been informed that all the MPs are being buttonholed to be in attendance in the Common House on Friday afternoon around 1:30. Gee, do ya think that's when they'll call for a non-confidence vote? We're told it won't be about the budget and money, it will be about the Conservative Party's contempt for Parliament ruling of last week. That sounds about right for the next campaign. Shake down the existing government and try to replace it with??? Just wondering if it'll be worth it this time. I was kinda enjoying watching Stevie Wonder, that Harper boy, wandering around in the desert of despair. Just when we're getting used to him, somebody wants to throw Jack or Iggy at us. I don't know if I'm ready for that heading into spring and summer.

Now on to the important stuff.

The majority share of the Toronto Maple Leafs is up for grabs. Yep, the richest fund in Canada, the Ontario Teachers' Pension Fund is selling their 66 per cent share of the Maple Leafs. Is the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation Pension Fund interested?

Just think, if you bought majority interest in the TO Leafs, then you'd be Brian Burke's boss and he'll be here on Friday, so act quickly boys and girls. Make the purchase and then tell Brian what you want him to do in the way of trades and draft choices on Friday. I'm sure he would be interested.

I just love hockey and football fans. We're all such geniuses when it comes to criticizing the moves that the real owners, general managers and coaches make when we really don't know beans about the realities and details. But it sure makes for some interesting speculations and conversations, doesn't it?

Have fun at Spectra Place, and don't forget to use the bathrooms. Remember, two of them are bought and paid for through your generous donations of dimes and quarters that you handed over to this humble scribe who turned the money over to the committee, so you could do a little wee-wee at Spectra. You're welcome. Don't forget to flush and wash your hands.

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