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Dogs and horses rule … cats? Not so much

More random thoughts for this week folks, mainly because I'm unable to stay focused on any one subject for more than a minute these days.

More random thoughts for this week folks, mainly because I'm unable to stay focused on any one subject for more than a minute these days.

How about starting with television evangelists? Good topic you say?

If you support these TV preachers via financial contributions, should you not expect them to show up to marry, bury or baptize you and your family?

I'm not a church going guy, but when I require ministrations of the spiritual kind, I believe I'll go looking for the real thing, not some character who looks like he just dropped out of a cathedral game show.

Second thought. Don't you think there could be a ton of money to be made in this nuclear waste storage and management business? I've talked about this before and it's still stuck in the recesses of what's left of my memory bank. Store the spent nuclear rods underground in the areas from which it came from in the first place, and charge millions of dollars per year in storage fees.

How dangerous could it be? More dangerous than letting some kooky Florida preacher burn a Koran on September 11 and then giving him loads of TV time to ruminate about the idea?

Third thought. The concept just struck me the other day that one of the main reasons we don't understand people from other parts of the world is because we don't understand their systems. As one Middle Easterner pointed out to me during a recent conversation that we don't get it, because we fail to understand that their allegiances don't swing toward political parties, they swing toward tribal affiliations. Same holds true in Africa. Once we learn that, then maybe then we can influence them by injecting ourselves into their tribes and family selections instead of their worthless political parties. Of course the question remains, why would we want to inject ourselves in any of these places in the first place?

Ask Georgie Bush, I guess. He went looking for Osama Bin Laden, switched over to Saddam Hussein and then forgot to take the visiting team back home before it was too late.

Fourth thought. Long gun registry, short gun registry, son-of-a-gun registry. Does anybody really care about that stuff anymore?

Fifth thought. Does anybody care that Tiger Woods is struggling on the golf course these days? Me neither. Does anybody care that the Saskatchewan Roughriders are struggling on the football field? Ya, me too! This is definitely not a team that's prepping for a Grey Cup appearance. We hope they get somewhat organized in time to at least make it interesting down the home stretch.

Fifth thought. What is it about horses and dogs that makes me think that they can look at you and read your mind and your soul better than you can? Cats don't do that, fish and turtles don't do that, guinea pigs and ferrets can't do that, but I'm convinced that horses and dogs know something we don't and are willing to share it with us. Cats might know something about the universe that we don't, but they don't care to share.

As one noted horseman once said, "you get up on a horse and the world goes away."
There was another quote, attributed to both Winston Churchill and Will Rogers that went "The best thing for the inside of a man is the outside of a horse."

I've never had the privilege of spending that much time with horses, but I've spent a good deal of time with dogs in the past and I'll vouch for them and their ability to make you a better person. Those who know about horses tell me quite emphatically there is a similar relationship between man and womankind and the equine world. I believe them. Now if somebody would just talk some sense into those stupid squirrels that keep showing up in our yard I'd appreciate it.

Take care of your dogs, horses and squirrels and cats too, I suppose.

You can talk turkey to me at [email protected]

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