George Tosczak took a big dip into the $100 Million Prize Pool this week. The Weyburn resident saw a television advertisement for the new $100 Million Jumbo lottery ticket and decided to give it a try. He ended up winning $1 million.
"I saw the commercial with all the cash being swept into a pool and thought it looked like fun!" said Tosczak, who purchased four of the $10 Scratch 'N Win tickets from the Esso Convenience Store in Weyburn.
Tosczak scratched the tickets while at work. "I was in the office and had some slow time, so I started scratching," he recalled. "I got to the fourth ticket and realized that I had matched three $1 Million prize amounts! My boss just happened to walk by, so I asked him to come in and take a look at the ticket. I didn't think my eyes were working right!"
Once Tosczak's boss agreed that the ticket looked like a winner, they both headed to the Esso to have the ticket checked. "When I heard that the ticket was worth a million, I hugged the store manager! Then I told my boss that I was going to take the rest of the morning off - and maybe the next week too! And I gave him a hug, too," he laughed.
Tosczak said he was most surprised at his prize amount. "I never thought I would ever win a million dollars on a Scratch 'N Win ticket! It was surreal."
"I'd love a home in the country," said Tosczak, when asked of his plans for his windfall. "My heart is in the country, so I would love to own a piece of land."
He said he will likely spend a small portion of his winnings right away, and then take his time to plan his future.