The Weyburn Public Library will be offering new children and adult programming beginning in the new year as well as continuing with their older, popular programming.
The library will be putting on a four-week jazz dance class program beginning Jan. 11. The program runs every Tuesday from 4:45 p.m. until 5:15 p.m. until February 2. The teachers for the program are Britney and Brooke Alexander, local dancers who recently performed with the Moscow Ballet.
Kid's Korner, an activity that happens every Thursday afternoon in the basement of the library, will be firing up again for the new year on Jan. 13 at 4 p.m. Kid's Korner is open to those between the ages of six and 12. On Jan. 13, the activity the children will be participating is in decorating a coffee mug with a snowman motif and making snowman soup. On Jan. 20, the children will be making an edible snowman and on Jan. 26, they will be making chocolate moose mousse.
Read n' Play Family Night at the library will be on Jan. 27 at 6:30 p.m. Parents and children are encouraged to come out, read and play games with one another at the library.
The children's book and movie club will be reading "The Secret Garden" for January. Those who are interested are encouraged to read the novel and then attend the movie night at the library on Jan. 29 at 2:30 p.m. for a discussion on how the novel and film differ.
Toddler story time, for two and three year olds, will restart for the new year on Jan. 12 at 10 a.m. Story time for toddlers runs Wednesday and Friday mornings for a half hour. Preschool story time, for three to five year olds, will begin on Jan. 14 and will run from 1 to 1:45 p.m. Preschool story time runs every Friday for 45 minutes.
Adult programming will begin again on Jan. 11 with Armchair Travel at 7 p.m., with those in attendance learning about the Arctic. On Jan. 26, New Zealand will be the focus while Chile will be featured sometime in February.
There will be a book club meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 13. The book this month is Nick Hornby's "High Fidelity."
Terry Tuharsky, a former chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Korea, will be reading "The Leadership Formula: What do 50 year olds know?" at the library on Jan. 20 at 2 p.m.
The knitting club will be on hiatus until February 2011.
There will be a coffeehouse at the library on Jan. 18 at 6:30 p.m. Those interested are encouraged to come out and hear the best literary talent from Weyburn and enjoy a warm cup of java.
The library will be closed from Dec. 24 to 29. It will be open on Dec. 29 and 30 from 9:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. It will be closed again from Dec. 31 until Jan. 3. The library will reopen for the new year with regular hours, 9:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m., on Jan. 4.