There were 104 calls for service during the reporting period of June 6-12, including a number of incidents of property damage and theft.
During the evening hours on Sunday, contents were stolen from a number of unlocked vehicles. Residents are reminded to lock their vehicles and also not to leave valuables in them. In recent weeks a number of these thefts have occurred and items such as iPods, radar detectors, GPS units, sunglasses and change have been stolen.
Also on Sunday, culprit(s) smashed the window out of a vehicle and a window at a local restaurant.
A yield sign was thrown through the windshield of a vehicle on Sunday.
Culprit(s) ripped a power plug out of an electrical box at one of the schools on June 6, leaving exposed wires; investigation into the incident is ongoing.
Police responded to a fight at a local restaurant/bar, a male who had been kicked in the face was found in the bathroom with his nose bleeding. He did not provide information regarding the assault, no charges were laid.
Also on June 6, change was taken out of an unlocked vehicle on Sixth Avenue SE.
Two doors were burnt and graffiti was spray painted on a City-owned building on June 7. Police are investigating the incident.
A complaint of a resident having a fire without a permit was received on June 9, and charges are pending.
A male went into a gas station to exchange change for bills on Friday; when no clerk was seen he stole a quantity of lottery tickets and left the store. Charges of theft under $5,000 have been laid.
A second complaint to the same address of an open fire without permit was received on Friday, and the tenant was charged under the local bylaw.
Police responded to a noise complaint, and the homeowner was warned to turn his stereo down.
A tenant at an apartment building was also advised to keep the noise down after a complaint was received on Friday.
City police saw a vehicle travelling through Weyburn on Highway 39 at an excessive speed on Sunday. The patrol car caught up to the vehicle several kilometers out of Weyburn, and the driver was charged for speeding, and his driver's licence was suspended for 24 hours as he had been drinking.
Two males who were having a dispute stopped beside each other while driving. They both drove away at the same time and the bumper from one vehicle caught the driver's side of the other. They were advised to stay away from each other and report the accident to SGI.
City police attended one residential and three business alarms.