A recent resident of Weyburn wants to discover what the city has to offer a woman like herself and is spreading the word with an event to honour International Women's Day - March 8. Although the fair itself won't take place until March 19, Leslie Richards is hoping it will highlight services for women in the community, particularly newcomers.
"The concept is to create a community fair with organizations that support women in any way," said Richards. "It all stemmed out of my desire to know what Weyburn has to offer."
Richards is quickly finding out what the community has to offer as she has been travelling around town approaching businesses and organizations that she hopes will be interested in joining the fair. Although she is still waiting to hear back from some groups, she has received confirmations from many already.
The one-day fair will include booths and presentations on women's issues, including health and exercise, women's cancers, bullying and safety.
Some of the presentations that will take place on the 19th include an anti-bullying message by George Barker, which will lean towards cyber bullying and other issues facing young women.
"This is a good message for teens and parents," said Richards.
Another presentation will be given by the Canadian Cancer Society on women's cancers. Sanela Begic of Regina will be speaking about the dangers and prevention of breast, ovarian, uterine and skin cancers.
Angie Braat will be giving a Zumba demonstration and participants are invited to join in if the mood strikes them. As the latest Latin-inspired dance fitness craze, Zumba has become a very popular exercise routine for women.
Curves Fitness for Women has also committed to a booth at the event as well as Envision Counselling and Support Centre, and the Free Methodist Church, which will share information on their fellowship groups and services for newcomers.
Richards said that all interested groups will have an opportunity to make a presentation on stage. She is asking that any group offering support or fellowship for women to take part in the event. She would also like to include local cultural organizations in the fair.
Richards plans to represent her own culture during the fair. Her booth will reflect her Puerto Rican background and feature a prominent "nuyorican" like herself - newly appointed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. "Nuyorican" refers to a person of Puerto Rican descent living in New York City, which is where Richards grew up and moved from last year to be with her Weyburnite husband James Richards. The pair met while James was vacationing in New York.
Many may remember Sergeant James Richards as one of the men honoured at Weyburn's Welcome Home ceremony in the summer of 2008, after serving a tour in Afghanistan.
Despite the fact that she is new to the community, Richards has already found ways to get involved. She is the production manager for the Tommy Douglas Performing Arts Centre's newest play, "On Golden Pond," which began rehearsals this week.
Richards said she is very excited about the play, which has been performed on Broadway twice.
"It's a drama, with some comedic aspects," explained Richards.
The play follows Ethel and Norman Thayer, who return to their summer home on Golden Pond for their 48th year. He is an 80-year-old retired professor with heart palpitations and a failing memory. She is 10 years his junior and an excellent foil for his sharp tongue and still eager wit. Into their summer getaway comes their middle-aged daughter Chelsea and her new boyfriend, Bill, who head off to Europe leaving Bill's 13-year-old son behind for the summer with many humorous and poignant experiences to follow.
The play, by Ernest Thompson, was adapted by the playwright into an AcademyAward and Golden Globe blockbuster movie, starring Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn in 1981.
Tickets for the play go on sale next week at Superior Office Products, Signal Hill Arts Centre and Tommy Douglas Centre.
The International Women's Day Fair is a free event that will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Tommy Douglas Centre. Richards is asking that anyone wishing to be involved contact her at 842-2510 or email [email protected].