Tatagwa View residents Mary Nelson, Betty Verot and Pearl McKay enjoy their blueberry tea and cheesecake topped with blueberries at their monthly Red Hat Ladies Happy Gang meeting in the activity room on Wednesday afternoon.
Tatagwa View residents Mary Nelson, Betty Verot and Pearl McKay enjoy their blueberry tea and cheesecake topped with blueberries at their monthly Red Hat Ladies Happy Gang meeting in the activity room on Wednesday afternoon. Many of the female residents in Tatagwa View are a part of this group that meets monthly to partake in various activities and enjoy treats. This month the theme was "Januberry" and the residents were asked to wear blue to match the blueberry treats they enjoyed at the meeting.Review photo 3168 – Chantelle Mehler
Tatagwa View residents Mary Nelson, Betty Verot and Pearl McKay enjoy their blueberry tea and cheesecake topped with blueberries at their monthly Red Hat Ladies Happy Gang meeting in the activity room on Wednesday afternoon.