As the holiday season is winding down, the recycling pile is probably adding up.
During this busy time, SARCAN would like to remind its customers that removing all bottle caps prior to return reduces wait times and helps employees avoid wrist injuries caused by repetitive strain.
Every year, SARCAN receives an average of 145 million plastic and glass bottles. With 71 depots across Saskatchewan, each employee handles approximately 1,300 bottles per day.
As of April 1, it will become mandatory for customers to remove bottle caps in order to receive deposit funds. By arriving to the depot with recycling sorted by material type, and bottle caps already removed, SARCAN employees can provide faster and more efficient service.
Saskatchewan has one of the highest return rates in North America with over 84 percent of beverage containers purchased being recycled. SAARCAN provides employment for people of all abilities and helps protect the environment by keeping waste out of landfills. Recycled beverage containers turn into a variety of products used every day from reflective beads in highway paint to polyester clothing such as t-shirts and fleece jackets.