REDVERS — During their regular meeting, Redvers town council approved increasing the annual funding amount to the Redvers Volunteer Fire Department by $5,000.
“The resolution was to increase their annual grant funding amount from $20,000 a year to $25,000 for 2024,” said Redvers CAO, Tricia Pickard.
“With the minimum standards that have changed, they need to use more training, need more turnout gear, just different equipment that we've been really good at keeping up to date.”
She also noted further requirements must be met for the fire department to remain as an offensive hall rather than being changed to a defensive designation.
“If there’s somebody that needs rescuing, then we have the training and the equipment and the knowledge to do that,” Pickard said.
The town and RM of Antler fund the Redvers Volunteer Fire Department, and this year is an especially crucial one in terms of funding. With a truck aging out next year, the search for a replacement aligning with minimum standards requirements is on, with both municipalities busy seeking out grants and fundraisers being held to reach their goal.
“We need to make sure that we’ve got a plan in place, and so we're going to need to purchase a different truck — whether it's brand new or used—it’s got to be newer than the main one that we use now, because it’s going to be 20 years old,” Pickard explained.
AED project funded
Redvers has been looking at obtaining an outdoor AED station for some time now, and thanks to a donation from Steel Reef, it’s becoming a reality.
“We’re very grateful for the donation that Steel Reef provided us with, and it will be in as soon as we can get things going,” Pickard said.
Council decided that the new unit will be placed outside the Town Office.
“It will be a community AED outside and available at all times,” Pickard said.
Total cost for the AED unit is $1,960.84 and it is to be installed this summer.
New cameras up
After dealing with breakins, damage and mischief, cameras were installed at the town shop and water treatment plant by Range Communications.
“We will need this in the future and it has been there in the past, so the hookup was not that costly or difficult,” Pickard noted. “We signed a one-year contract, which saved us the install fee and the speed can be adjusted later if the water upgrade requires it.”
The system also allows for town staff to access footage via mobile app, providing alerts in real time.
Sign corridor bylaw well received
The sign corridor bylaw in Redvers has been generally well-received with staff gaining applications.
“There were two applications that were approved at last night’s meeting,” Pickard said. “We’re going to continue receiving applications and get the posts put up and move along. Our focus right now is the homecoming weekend. So we wanted to kind of tidy things up in the sign corridor as much as we could, but the ground has been pretty soft, so it’s not being very nice to us!”
Rates for businesses interested are $150 per year, with an added savings for long-term signage, being $500 for five years.
“All signs will be six feet by eight feet, and they need to get them printed or made,” Pickard explained. “We can help design for an additional fee, and then there’s an application fee of $50 as well. We put the signposts up—we pay for that—and then maintenance puts the signs up.”
Wells 4 and 5
Well 4 has officially been decommissioned, and finishing touches are being made on Well 5. All that’s left to complete that project is payment of final invoices, having GeeBee finish ground work and file paperwork with the Water Security Agency for the Town’s license.
Eventually, the town plans to have another well drilled, but it’s more in the five-year plan as to stagger life cycles of the wells.
“We will have to plan to have another well drilled, but that’s not going to be for a few years, once the water treatment plant upgrade is complete,” Pickard said. “We also don’t want to have two brand new wells that are drilled at the same time. We want to stagger our infrastructure a little bit, so that's where we're going to be in five years.”