Residents in Weyburn are being urged to carefully examine the candy received on Halloween, after a report of a tainted Hubba-Bubba gum had been made to the Weyburn Police.
"We received a call from a concerned parent, whose youngster got very sick after eating the Hubba-Bubba gum," explained Howard Georgeson, chief of the Weyburn Police. "After investigating the youngster's candy, the parents discovered several other Hubba-Bubba candies that had been tampered."
Georgeson clarified that parents should examine any Hubba-Bubba candies that were received, and if it appears the package was tampered with either throw it away or bring it to the Weyburn Police Services.
There are no other pieces of candy that are under police investigation at this time.
The packages of the Hubba-Bubba candy that had already been brought to the police in the initial report have been sent to a lab for further investigation.
The Weyburn Police Services are also investigating into which area of Weyburn this candy had been handed out.