Members of the Weyburn Police Service dealt with 129 occurrences over the week of Apr. 25 to May 1, including incidents of theft and assaults, and many of the calls were alcohol related. Several calls were in regards to adverse weather conditions on Friday and Saturday.
Police were called to two homes in the city on Apr. 28 to investigate reports of thefts from motor vehicles. In each case small amounts of change were removed from the vehicles. Residents are again reminded to make certain that unoccupied vehicles are locked and personal property is removed.
After receiving a tip regarding two suspicious males looking through vehicles on Apr. 29, police arrested two local males and have charged them with several counts of theft; they will be appearing in court in May.
Police received several calls during the power outage in the city on Friday night, including alarms and assisting residents of a nursing home, along with traffic issues caused by the wind.
After receiving a call on Sunday regarding a vehicle that had struck a tree on Second Street, police attended and arrested a Weyburn male for impaired driving. He will be facing that and a refusing a breath test charge in provincial court this month.
Police received a complaint of an alleged sexual assault on Thursday. This matter is currently under investigation.
Residents and parents are now reminded that bicycle riders are required by law to follow all rules of the road; helmet and light use are also encouraged.
Police attended a local residence on Apr. 25 to a complaint of a domestic dispute between brothers. The matter was resolved without incident.
The same day, police were called to investigate an alleged assault where the victim reported she was assaulted by her boyfriend. The matter is under investigation.
Police were called to a local restaurant on Apr. 27 to a report of a fight in progress. The matter was resolved without further incident.
Also on Apr. 27, police were called to a local residence to a report of youths being unlawfully in that residence. Due to their age, the youths were turned over to their parents.
Police were called to a dispute between a male and female over property on Apr. 27. The matter was mediated.
City police were called on Apr. 27 to check on the well-being of a truck driver who appeared to be injured. The truck driver was spoken to and arrangements were made for his well-being.
The same day, city police were called to deal with a noise complaint at a local trailer court. The matter was resolved without incident.
City police were called to a dispute over the ownership of an animal and a possible assault on Saturday. The matter is under investigation.