This winter has been tough on the bird population but some of them are having their lives made a bit easier thanks to a local feeding project.
The Estevan Wildlife Federation (EWF) started their 2011 pheasant feeding program in early January with the first stage being completed on Jan. 14.
The EWF said that this will be a long, difficult winter for the birds, so they filled about 85 bags of feed that they are making available to the public for bird feeding.
A crew filled 140 bags of feed on Jan. 16, noting that 85 of those bags will be made available for people to use in their own feeding programs within the region with the rest of the seed going to EWF members for their own feeding programs.
The bags of seed are available for pickup at Leslie's Taxidermy on the Rafferty Dam Road, just west of the city.
"We ask individuals to distribute the feed in a sheltered area so birds are not exposed to predators. Also try to feed the birds where they would naturally gather, not trying to draw them to an area of your choosing," said EWF member Garry Leslie. The feed should be in some type of a feeder and a plan as to how to build one is available on the EWF website at
"We're asking individuals to return empty feed bags and also limit the amount taken so that everyone gets an opportunity to feed the birds in their area," said Leslie.
The EWF is also requiring that individuals utilizing the pheasant feeding program be a current EWF member. The annual fee is $25 and is available from any executive member or at the taxidermy shop where the feed bags are located.
"The EWF thanks all those who are involved in helping the birds this winter. They said they especially thanked the dedicated volunteers who assisted with the laborious task of bagging and stacking the feed bags.
Anyone seeking more information about the seed and feeding program or to make a donation to the effort is asked to contact Leslie at 634-6987.