After being called out to a local lounge in response to a call regarding a disturbance, Estevan Police Service personnel arrested a 26-year-old man for public intoxication on the night of April 22.
The man had been bothering some patrons inside the lounge and when asked to leave by staff, he had initially refused to do so.
The man has now been charged with being intoxicated in a public place.
Police were also called to investigate two separate noise complaints that same night. The first was in the Pleasantdale area of the city and the other on the north side. Police were unable to identify the supposed noisy party address in Pleasantdale since all was quiet in the neighbourhood when they arrived.
The second complaint involved a house party and police issued a warning to the party's host regarding the city's noise bylaw.
On the night of April 23, city police were called to two separate noise complaints. Both were coming from the city's east side. In both instances the people responsible for the noise were warned about the city's noise bylaw.
A report of a suspected impaired driver leaving a local convenience store parking lot was received by police but they were unable to locate the suspect vehicle and driver.
The next call on April 23 was to a local lounge following a report of an assault. The suspect had departed the scene prior to police arrival, so the matter remains under investigation and charges may be laid.
Police were next called to an insecure premise around 3 a.m. on April 24. A caller had reported that a front door to a residence was open in the Hillside area of the city. When they arrived, police determined that no other safety elements had been breached and that the occupants of the residence had simply forgotten to close their door after returning home.
A complaint of several suspected impaired drivers leaving a local nightclub was received by police that same morning. Although police checked a number of vehicles leaving the area, no impaired drivers were identified.