Midale (cpd) The Midale Souris Valley Antique Association (Museum) held a very successful two-day Pioneer Echoes and Threshing Demo on the weekend of July 24 and 25.
Midale (cpd) The Midale Souris Valley Antique Association (Museum) held a very successful two-day Pioneer Echoes and Threshing Demo on the weekend of July 24 and 25.Although the weather was hot again this year, town residents and people from surrounding communities were in attendance. The attendees enjoyed a morning pancake breakfast, while at noon the Heritage Village was opened up with a large flea market in the hall, and also in the same building, John New had his mini-trains set up and running.In the Kittleson house Marjorie Clauson and helpers served saskatoon pie and ice cream. The Lindblom house was open and Carla New and helpers served fried bread dough to very long lines of people. All buildings were open to the public so they could browse through. There was a straw bale quarter scramble for the kids which was led by Ken Clauson. Music was provided by Dahila Moldenhauer and Kerry Eagles and was enjoyed by the public.On Sunday, an ecumenical church service was held with Pastor Kirby Breitkreuz and Pastor Donna Smalley being the worship leaders. The community choir sang several hymns and Bob and Betty Olsen presented the congregation with special music. On both days old-time tractors and machinery as well as antique cars paraded around heritage village led by the flag tractor.Also on Saturday and Sunday, threshing was done at the north end of the village. The grocery raffle was won by Miles Hoium of Midale. There were also buggy rides given by Herman Fornwald and Edna Whitrow, and there was a mule covered wagon driven by Ron Barbour. The museum downtown was open free of charge during the Heritage Days and many toured the buildings. It remains open now and through September, so come in and bring your summer visitors to see Midales great museum.Former Midale residents Verna Pengelly (Truman) of Coronation, Alta., was a guest of Marlin and Marcelle Waite for three days, while she visited her two aunts, Marg Hauglum and Madge Arts.Well, now it is time for this weeks useless information. If you were watching the Blue Jays game a couple weeks ago, you would have seen Alex Rodriguez hit his 600th homerun. But did you know with all those home runs that he is seventh on the list? Rodriguez only trails Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Ken Griffey Jr. and Sammy Sosa. Well that is all for me, so you stay classy, Midale.