This year's Relay For Life will be held at River Park on June 10 and 11 and the committee members have already been busy organizing in hopes of making this another very successful year in the fight against cancer.
There is a team captain's meeting scheduled for Monday, March 28 at 7 p.m. at the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) office in Weyburn. Penny Tochor is the chairperson and is hoping "that anyone who has already registered or is thinking about registering a team to please plan on attending. We will help anyone who might need help in registering their team, giving suggestions on fundraising ideas or any other concerns that they may have."
"Our goal this year is to have 33 teams. Each team consists of eight to 10 people who are committed to staying awake all night with someone always walking around the track which represents that cancer does not sleep," said Tochor.
Team captain's kits or more information can be obtained by contacting the CCS office, Tochor, or attending the team captain's meeting.