Marvin Chambers is going to have a busy couple of years.
Chambers has been charged with representing Canada on the international board of directors for the Lions Clubs International.
"It's the West's turn," said Chambers, speaking of his position. There hasn't been an international director from Western Canada since 1991.
Chambers' two year term will be beginning July 8, assuming he is elected. But, as Chambers pointed out, he's the only one on the ballot, so the odds seem to be in his favour.
Chambers will be one of 34 international directors who are charged with running Lions Clubs International. International directors are appointed to committees and look after specific areas of the Lions Clubs. Chambers will be attending board meetings three times a year, with the first one taking place in Hong Kong. Two hundred and six different counties and geographic locations have Lions Clubs , and Chambers is looking forward to meeting the Lions of the world.
"I've never been able to work with the Lions of the world before," he said. "It's very exciting."
Chambers, who has lived in Fillmore since 1962, has been a Lion for 40 years. He and his wife Lynne, who is also a Lions Club member, have a combined total of five children, and five grandchildren. During his years as a member of Lions Club, Chambers has served on various different councils and cabinets, most recently serving as council chair person for Multiple District 5. Chambers is also currently in his third term as mayor of Fillmore, and is involved in several local boards.
"I love my community and my town," said Chambers. "I want to make them both better places."
The Lions Clubs have many ongoing projects in southern Saskatchewan. As part of their international mission to give vision to all, they are collecting used eye glasses, which are then sorted and sent to Calgary before being shipped off to Third World countries. The Lions donate to diabetes research. They have supplied two vans that come to communities spreading information on diabetes.
Chambers thanks the Lions of this district for all of their fundraising efforts for his campaign.
Chambers encourages people in the Estevan area to get involved, and asks that they call the Estevan Lion club for more information. He also asks that those who would like to know more about his upcoming position e-mail him at [email protected], or call him at (306) 722-3539.
Tina Bird and Nancy Nagy were two new members inducted into the Lions club of Estevan at the Tuesday, June 14 meeting.
The Lions Club's annual CNIB golf tournament is cancelled this year due to the flooding of Estevan Woodlawn Golf Course.