Decker Mainil has an audience as he completes some homework at the Weyburn Comprehensive. Logan Lazurko watches at right, and in back are Olivia Lenferna, Teagan Morrison and Chelsea Jones.
Decker Mainil has an audience as he completes some homework at the Weyburn Comprehensive. Logan Lazurko watches at right, and in back are Olivia Lenferna, Teagan Morrison and Chelsea Jones. Due to on-going construction at the Comprehensive this year, students started their school year on Aug. 22 and will end in late May. All other Weyburn and area students return to their schools on Thursday, Sept. 1.Review photo 5002 – Sabrina Kraft
Decker Mainil has an audience as he completes some homework at the Weyburn Comprehensive. Logan Lazurko watches at right, and in back are Olivia Lenferna, Teagan Morrison and Chelsea Jones.