In this area, the flow advisory pertains to the Souris River and Moose Mountain Creek, and the tributaries of these rivers. This includes streams that normally do not flow in the winter.
Above-normal precipitation over the summer and fall left much of the eastern part of the province saturated, and rivers and creeks are flowing at rates well above normal for this time of year. The watershed authority anticipates some of these flows will continue throughout the winter, creating thin ice hazards.
In addition to the flow from precipitation, there will be winter releases made at lakes to reduce their level in advance of the spring runoff, and in the southeast will include the Alameda Reservoir on the Souris River.
As a result of the releases, flow downstream will be significantly higher than typical, including for the Moose Mountain Creek, and on the Souris from Oxbow to Minot, N.D. Thin ice could occur at any point along these rivers, especially near bridges, culverts or crossings.
Potential hazards are not marked off by the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority; those who venture out onto the ice do so at their peril. It is up to the individual to ensure that the ice is safe for the activities planned. The authority recommends the safest approach will be to stay away from the river and stay off the ice.