The Ministry of Tourism, Parks, Culture and Sport is working to mitigate flooding impacts in provincial parks around Saskatchewan. However, campers wanting to visit their favorite parks on or before the May long weekend should check before heading out.
Flooding in a number of provincial parks is affecting public access and facilities. Rowan's Ravine and Katepwa Point Provincial Parks and Regina Beach Recreation Site will remain closed to public access until June, with exact opening dates to be confirmed.
"Parks personnel are working tirelessly to deal with the abnormally high water levels but flooding has had a big impact there, as it has in other areas of the province," Tourism, Parks, Culture and Sport Minister Bill Hutchinson said. "Residents who are now planning their summer vacations need to be aware that there will be some disruptions in services at our provincial parks."
Park boat launch and fish filleting facilities at Buffalo Pound, Echo Valley, Katepwa Point, Crooked Lake and Rowan's Ravine Provincial Parks and Regina Beach Recreation Site will not be operational until further notice.
Updates will continue to be posted to and an operating status report for the provincial park system will be issued again before the May long weekend.
Parks staff will be in contact with seasonal campers and those who have a reservation in the affected parks.