The Festival of Trees is being called "an incredible success," earning over $40,000 for The Family Place. The Gala and Auction was held at City Centre Mall on November 25, which saw several individuals, businesses and organizations bid on dozens of donated items and Christmas trees.
Manager of The Family Place Linda Rudachyk said that she never expected to make as much as last year, which was the 10th year for the Festival of Trees.
"Last year we made $41,000," said Rudachyk. "We still don't have the final figures in for this year but I think we might go over $41,000 or match it."
During the event, names were drawn for the Fun for Kids Raffle; Levi Tosczak won the electric jeep, while Gloria Scaddan won the dollhouse. Scaddan donated the dollhouse back to The Family Place for the use of many children in the community. Other raffle winners included Marg and Merle Leavens (patio set raffle), Joyce Rodine (patio set), Shayne McKenzie ($100 Co-op Cash), Judy Buzowetsky (Quillow), Norma Affie (Movember tree), and Sharon Schultz (Aldon Oils tree).
Guests of the festival had the opportunity to hear "The Family Place Song" for the first time. The song was written and performed by former Family Place employee Luanne Akins in commemoration of the organization's 15th year. The community can order a copy of the song and accompanying DVD with video footage from the last 15 years.
With the end of their 15th year looming, Rudachyk said that The Family Place has evolved beyond any of her hopes and dreams and wishes to thank the community for their ongoing support.
"This is a community place," said Rudachyk. "It's owned by the community and they show it."