ESTERHAZY — The Hazy Dayz event is coming back to Esterhazy on June 8, complete with a slo-pitch tournament, show and shine, kids games, food trucks, live music and beer gardens. In fact, the slo-pitch portion of the event requested town council approve their ask for a beer garden area at the April 24 council meeting, coming in the wake of approving the Super Sledders request for a beer garden at the event.
“We approved it in principle, but we sent it back for more information to the rec department,” said Mayor Grant Forster. “It’s one of these things where we’re not certain how it’s going to play out because there’s another beer gardens that’s going to be happening along with the car show. We don’t expect them to overlap, so we just wanted to make sure that there were going to be no issues.”
The items raised questions from council, among them being with the slo-pitch tournament happening on Regional Park grounds, does town council even need to approve the use.
Dust on Broadview road a concern
A ratepayer along Broadview Road raised the issue of dust from traffic travelling on the roadway, with the item discussed at last week’s meeting of town council.
“That particular section that the concern was raised about is really bad,” Forster validated. “There has to be something done in that corner, and we’ll be doing more than just dust suppression there.”
One possible solution arose from a connection at the recent SUMA convention where some members of council met with a company seeking to launch a pilot project.
“They take this asphalt and they grind it all up, then you can use that to lay down on gravel roads to be able to help with dust suppression,” Forster explained. “We have some asphalt millings ourselves that we could lay down, as well as just a better way to apply calcium chloride if we have to do it.”