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Errant motorcyclist facing several charges

A motorcyclist who was disobeying several traffic laws was the subject of Estevan Police Service (EPS) interest on the night of June 15. Police had attempted to stop the motorcyclist earlier in the evening but the driver failed to stop.

A motorcyclist who was disobeying several traffic laws was the subject of Estevan Police Service (EPS) interest on the night of June 15.

Police had attempted to stop the motorcyclist earlier in the evening but the driver failed to stop. EPS members received calls from concerned residents who had noted the biker's erratic driving behaviour. When police located the motorcycle again, the driver fled on foot and was pursued by police who searched the area and arrested him. He now faces numerous charges including the operation of an unregistered vehicle, speeding and disobeying stop signs.

The driver also received a 90 day suspension of his operator's licence.

An assault that occurred in the city centre on June15 attracted EPS attention. When they arrived on the scene, they arrested a 31-year-old Estevan man and lodged him in cells while giving him a July court date.

Following a call regarding a suspicious person on June 15, police interrogated a 22-year-old Estevan man and learned that he was in contravention of court ordered conditions so he was arrested and later released with another court date so he could answer to the new charges.

A domestic dispute that was taking place on a city street attracted police attention that same night. A 25-year-old Estevan man was arrested and lodged in cells until sober. He will appear in court in July to answer to the charge of being intoxicated in public.

A suspected impaired driver incident led to a 32-year-old Estevan man being arrested and lodged in cells on the night of June 15. He has a July court date to answer to the charges of impaired driving as well as for operating an unregistered vehicle and driving without a valid driver's licence.

On the night of June 16, police arrested an intoxicated man in the alley near a local lounge. While being checked by police, the man attempted to fight with them, so he was taken into custody and lodged in cells until sober and was charged for being intoxicated in public.

That same night during a police stop, EPS members detected that the driver was in possession of marijuana, so he was arrested and charged accordingly with a court date set for July.

On the night of June 17, police were called to a disturbance at a local night club where they managed to escort the responsible people from the bar area and no further action was required.

Police were next called to a residence in the central part of the city to remove an unwanted guest who had arrived there and had started to cause problems. The subject had settled down just prior to police arrival, so he was allowed to remain there and no further action was required.

An 18-year-old man was charged under the Alcohol Gaming Regulations Act for producing false identification in order to gain access to a licensed premises on the night of June 17. The charge carries a $360 penalty if paid voluntarily. His court date is set for July 21.

Two young people who were noted rifling through vehicles in the city's east side on June 17 were sought by police that night, but could not be located during the follow-up search of the area. Once again police remind citizens to lock their vehicles and not leave anything valuable in them.

A report of some wilful damage was also received by police on June 17 when a brick was thrown through a window of a residence in the Pleasantdale area. This matter remains under investigation.

On June 18, police were called to a local business in the early evening when it was noted tht the establishment was insecure. It was determined that nothing was missing and that staff members had forgotten to properly close and lock the door, so the building was subsequently secured.

A pay telephone 911 emergency call from the leisure centre was responded to by police who determined that a 12-year-old had been playing with the phone so he was warned about the possible consequences of his actions by police.

A complaint of wilful damage to a vehicle was reported to police on June 18. The incident occurred while the vehicle was parked near a local central district business. Police now have a suspect and are continuing their investigation.

EPS members received a call regarding some young people causing a disturbance in a local apartment building on June 18. The young people were dispersed and sent on their way.

A 23-year-old man was arrested for being intoxicated in public after police were called to a local cabaret function on June 18. The subject had been causing problems with the staff inside the event so he was charged accordingly and given a July 25 court date.

Police received a noise complaint from a residence in the north end of the city on June 18. The subjects responsible for the event were not home when police came calling but charges under the City's noise bylaw are pending.

A 23-year-old man who refused to pay his tab at a local lounge was arrested by police on June 18 and lodged in cells since he was deemed to be extremely intoxicated at the time of the arrest. He was also found to be in possession of contraband. He is now facing possession charges under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act as well as for being intoxicated in public.

Another 23-year-old man was charged after he refused to comply to a demand to provide a breath sample during a traffic stop in the central part of the city June 18. Further investigation revealed the man was a suspended driver, so he is facing that additional charge as well.

The man was lodged in cells for the evening and now has a July 18 court date.
A fight that broke out near the end of an evening's cabaret event was responded to by police with the responsible parties being sent on their separate ways and no further action was necessary.

A domestic dispute around 4 a.m. June 19 resulted in police attendance at a local residence. The matter was sorted out when one person left the residence to stay with a friend. Police stated that alcohol was a factor in the dispute.

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