Hello, I'm Dwain Lingenfelter, Leader of Saskatchewan's Official Opposition.
During this special season of the year, we gather with friends and family, taking time to create the memories we will treasure for years to come.
Like many of you, my family and I enjoy the pleasures of the season: the special food, the special music, the special times we spend with those we love.
It's a time for celebration, for giving gifts, and for giving thanks for all of the good things with which we've been so richly blessed. It's also a time for reflection, for looking back at the year that's gone by, and ahead to the year to come.
As we look back, we will remember that not all have shared equally in good fortune, and that this year has been a difficult one for many families in our province.
For farm and other families faced with the worst flooding we've seen in decades. For seniors and others struggling to make ends meet amidst rising rents and other costs. For the growing numbers of people in our province-including children-relying on food banks to feed themselves. Saskatchewan people have responded to these difficulties with their usual courage, compassion, generosity - and above all, hope.
And in this season of hope, they look forward to the year ahead, trusting that - by working together - we can meet its challenges, and reap the rewards it can bring to all.
I share that hope, and trust that you do, too.
For it is that hope we share together that makes this special season the warmest and the brightest of the year.
And so, on behalf of my wife Rubiela, our family, and my colleagues in the New Democratic Party Official Opposition, I hope that you and your family will enjoy a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead!