The blizzard that raged through southern Saskatchewan last Friday had a significant impact even on Estevan's city streets.
The Estevan Police Service (EPS) posted a mid-day request to motorists to refrain from driving on the local streets unless it was absolutely necessary. Police said that by that afternoon they had responded to four separate vehicle accidents, one of them involving six vehicles, all due to the weather conditions.
In other policing news, EPS said they arrested a 31-year-old man for being intoxicated in public after he called police and led them to believe he was going to harm himself.
Police were dispatched to an area of the city where they believed the man to be and finally found him in an alley in an extremely intoxicated condition so he was taken into custody and lodged in cells for his own safety.
On the night of March 31, police were called to a disturbance at a local lounge and arrested a 31-year-old man for being intoxicated in public and causing a disturbance. He also had outstanding warrants for his arrest so he was taken into custody, charged with public intoxication and was later released after gaining sobriety. A court date of May 2 was also established at which time the subject is expected to appear and answer to all the outstanding charges laid against him.
On March 11, police received a complaint of a hit-and-run incident in the 100 block of McDonald Road. The victim's vehicle had been parked and a second westbound vehicle struck the parked vehicle and then fled the scene. Police have set up an investigation into the incident and would like to talk with anyone who may have witnessed the event.
On the night of March 11, police responded to a security alarm at a local business. Upon arrival they discovered that someone had entered the building by breaking the front door.
The next day police were informed that a second business had been broken into, but it was located some distance from the facility they had attended to the night before.
An undisclosed amount of money had been taken from the second location.
Again, the police are asking for the assistance of the public in the event that someone may have witnessed the crimes or had noticed some suspicious activity on these two days.
EPS members also responded to several calls from local lounges regarding intoxicated people causing problems. As a result of their intervention, three people were arrested and lodged in cells for the night.
On Saturday, March 12, police checked a 37-year-old Estevan man who was found to be in possession of some cocaine and ecstasy, so he was charged accordingly and a court date was established.
Also on March 12, EPS members charged a 26-year-old Estevan man for impaired driving and driving while his blood-alcohol level was over .08 per cent as well as for driving while prohibited. He has a court date set to answer to the charges.
A call from a local lounge later that same night informed police that several people were engaged in a fight. Once police arrived, they arrested one man for assault and took him into custody.
On that same night, police attended to a domestic dispute that led to the arrest of a 19-year-old woman on outstanding warrants and for intoxication. She was lodged in cells for the rest of the night.