Deana Mainil holds a handful of large hailstones along with a golfball, to show how large the hailstones were that hit Dale and Deana Mainil's farm on Saturday evening from an intense thundershower.
Deana Mainil holds a handful of large hailstones along with a golfball, to show how large the hailstones were that hit Dale and Deana Mainil's farm on Saturday evening from an intense thundershower. This photo was taken about 45 minutes after the storm hit the farm, causing damages to trailers and vehicles as well as to the Mainils' crops. The same storm also hit Dennis Mainil and Calvin Tracey's farms, along with some other Weyburn area farms and the Weyburn Golf Course, damaging all the greens and stripping leaves off trees.Photo 4892 Deana Mainil
Deana Mainil holds a handful of large hailstones along with a golfball, to show how large the hailstones were that hit Dale and Deana Mainil's farm on Saturday evening from an intense thundershower.