Temperatures in August were close to the long-term running average, while the total rainfall was higher than the long-term average.
In August, the mean maximum temperature was 24.6 Celsius, and the long-term running average is 26.1 C. The mean minimum temperature of the month was 12.3 C, which was slightly above the long-term running average of 11.1 C. The mean temperature for the month was 18.5, which was close to the long-term average of 18.6.
August's total precipitation, at 117.2 mm, was above the 10-year precipitation average of 64.7 mm. The long-term running average of total precipitation for this month is 49.5 mm.
No record temperatures were set for August, either in the maximum and minimum range. The hottest temperature of the month was 33.5 C, set on the 26th, while the coolest temperature was 6.0, set the day before, on Aug. 25. The average high temperature for August was 25.7 C, the average low was 11.7 C and the mean temperature was 18.7 C.
Out of the 31 days in August, the temperatures exceeded 20 C or more on 19 days, while four were 30 C or more.
In comparing the summer weather as a whole, the mean temperature in June was 22.4 C, the mean temperature in July was 25.5 C, and the mean temperature for August was 24.6 C. The mean temperature in June of 2009 was 9.0 C, the mean temperature for July of 2009 was 10.9 C and the mean temperature of August 2009 was 10.7. The summer of 2009 had been one of the coolest on average for the Weyburn area, with the summer of 2010 back to average temperatures.
As for precipitation received in 2010, it was a wet year with 95.4 mm received in June, 48.4 mm received in July, and 117.2 received in August. Compared to 2009, there was 54.7 mm received in June, 66.4 mm received in July and 83.6 mm received in August.