Ambulance fees are rising in the Sun Country Health Region, just as they are across the province.
The regional health authority in the southeast area approved the ambulance fee increase at its regular monthly meeting on Jan. 26.
The rates are going up by $25 per call on April 1. That will put the new ambulance pickup rate at $245 per call.
In addition to the basic fee, the kilometre rate is also increasing by 10 cents to $2.30 per kilometre.
There will be no increase to the current waiting time fee of $100 per hour.
The fees are being increased in accordance with Saskatchewan Ministry of Health's guidelines that changed in December 2010.
This is the first increase allowed since 2006.
The provincial government will continue to provide financial assistance to seniors whose costs will continue to be subsidized through the Senior Citizens' Ambulance Assistance Program (SCAAP) where the fees for seniors aged 65 and over will continue to be capped at $250 per ambulance trip.
Also receiving government assistance will be lower-income residents who will be supported through the Supplementary Health Benefits Program and the Family Health Benefits Program that covers children who require emergency transportation.
The board pointed out that ambulance services are not insured in Saskatchewan and the Ministry of Health subsidizes the cost of emergency medical services by providing more than $50 million annually to regional health authorities that own and operate or contract for ambulance services. The remainder of the operating costs are covered by the patient fees.
Sharon Bauche, chairwoman of the regional health authority, said they recognize that unexpected ambulance costs are often challenging for people without financial assistance.
"Residents should consider the purchase of private insurance coverage if they are not eligible for provincial assistance and, or if, their employment benefits do not include ambulance use," Bauche said.