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My Nikkel's Worth

Many people know of situations they would change if they could, like if they were made "King of the World" or put in charge in some way.

Many people know of situations they would change if they could, like if they were made "King of the World" or put in charge in some way.

To me, the items that would get changed are those situations that fall under the category of "Things that should not be," or put another way, "There oughta be a law "
Ironically, one of the items on my list actually is a law.

Whilst at the Wor-Kin Shop's fundraiser recently, I was approached by a reader (maybe my readership has now gone up to three ) who pointed out that a pet peeve of his was people who still insist on parking in handicapped parking, when it's quite clear they do not have the permit or right to park there.

The sad irony of this is, of course, that is in fact illegal to park in a handicapped stall if you don't have a permit, or if shamefully you are able-bodied and are just being lazy in wanting to park as close to the store or building as you can.

Another situation "that should not be" also arises out of the Wor-Kin Shop fundraiser, which went quite well, from what I was able to see.

As a result of the donors who contributed to their cause, they are now at $300,000 in their quest to raise $500,000 - realistically, would you not think they should at least be able to get a start on their project for a new day program building?

But no. Due to the stubbornness and intransigence of the provincial government, they refuse to release their portion of the funds (about $1 million) until the Wor-Kin Shop has completely raised their $500,000 share of the project.

I hate to sound whiny or whatever, but this to me is patently unfair. They don't do to other projects or agencies; for example the Triple C Centre was not put on hold until the committee had all its funds. The construction went ahead and is even right now underway. Same with projects like Crescent Point Place and the Sports Arena, when they were undergoing renovations; there was no delay suggested or needed.

I could go on and on, but should I have to? The thing is, this project for the Wor-Kin Shop is much, much smaller than any of those other ones that went ahead; most of the money is in place, and above all, the clientele are a segment of our society that is vulnerable and is in dire need of the programs that Wor-Kin Shop has. This facility is the only place where these kinds of programs are available; it's not like they can go anywhere else, and there is an extensive waiting list.

So what are you government people waiting for? This is a situation that should not be; let's get it together and get it built!

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