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My Nikkel's Worth

A little while ago, I had a rant about justice, or rather, instances where there should be justice meted out.

A little while ago, I had a rant about justice, or rather, instances where there should be justice meted out.
Well, in Part Deux (Or, my alternate title, Part The Second), I have more ranting to do, because this world seems awfully bereft of justice sometimes.

Remember the sex offender who cut off his electronic monitoring device and escaped, only to eventually land in Seattle, Wash.?

There were several things wrong with that, starting with the stupidity that led to his being able to get away, then the stupidity of being able to cross over into the U.S. (he's apparently an American anyway).

Just as an aside, but am I the only one who sees the utter stupidity of a country where you're disallowed to enter if you have a drunk driving conviction, but if you're a convicted sex offender you're just let right in? Hello? Has someone forgot to turn on some brain cells down there or what?

"Justice", such as it is in the U.S., may yet prevail, because only a couple days after telling a Seattle TV reporter that no one needs to fear him, he was arrested for sexual assault of a 16-year-old boy. I suppose if they deal with him properly, we don't need to see him back up here.

Then there's the instances of the U.S. going wild on surveillance, with groups like the NSA running rampant.

The probable truth is that these guys have been doing this for years, including with the European leaders who are just now expressing their outrage and disgust, and "how dare they?" blah-blah-blah.

Maybe now that it's finally coming out that they're surveilling the world-at-large, possibly they'll dial it down again?
It's not likely, but they have to put on a show for the media.

I have to admit that there was one valid point made at the Senate hearings or whatever it was: a general with the NSA said he'd rather apologize than cut back on surveilling and find out that they missed out on finding out about an attack on their (or a neighbour's) country.

Meantime, however, does President Obama really have to put up the pretence that he was in the dark until recently? I personally don't believe that for even a split second.

But then, here in Canada, we have a PM who was claiming he was in the dark until a certain point about who did what in our Senate. Now, the only thing Mulcair is capable of doing is asking the same questions over and over and over about the same issue. Can we please move on to something really important to Canadians, like say, taxes, and jobs and imports and exports and so on like that? Huh?

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