SASKATCHEWAN AGRICULTURE CROP REPORT — Producers in the west are nearly wrapped up with seeding while many in the east are still behind due to rain delays and extremely wet fields.
Currently, 76 per cent of the crop acres in the province have been seeded, up from 52 per cent last week but still well behind the five-year average (2017-2021) of 93 per cent. Producers in the southeast and east central regions have reported that many low laying areas will go unseeded this year due to standing water.
Ninety-seven per cent of the crop is seeded in the southwest, 95 per cent in the west-central, 93 per cent in the northwest, 64 per cent per cent in the southeast, 60 per cent in the northeast and 50 per cent in the east-central region.
Provincially, 96 per cent of lentils and chickpeas, 93 per cent of field peas, 91 per cent of durum, 79 per cent of canary seed, 75 per cent of spring wheat, 69 per cent of barley, 66 per cent of canola, 65 per cent of flax and 51 per cent of oats have been seeded to date.
A large weather system covered much of the eastern part of the province this past week, resulting in significant amounts of rain for those regions. The Moosomin area received 92 mm, the Stoughton area 89 mm, the Bienfait area 65 mm and the Esterhazy area 42 mm. The west received some rain over the past week, but amounts were small, ranging from three mm to 12 mm.
Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 16 per cent surplus, 56 per cent adequate, 19 per cent short and nine per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as seven per cent surplus, 60 per cent adequate, 19 per cent short and 14 per cent very short. Western regions are least favourable for moisture while more favourable conditions are reported in the east.
Crop conditions this week range from good to fair across the province. Emergence has been reported to be slow in areas of the southwest and west-central where moisture is lacking. In the southeast and east-central, however, emergence has been slow due to cool weather and an overabundance of moisture. Most crop damage this week was from flooding, drought, flea beetles and gophers.
Now that seeding has wrapped up for many producers, they are busying spraying in-crop herbicides, assessing germination and emergence, scouting for early season pests and moving cattle to pasture.
Â鶹´«Ã½AVeastern Saskatchewan Crop Region
Seeding operations were progressing well until rainfall forced many producers to halt field activities until conditions improved. Sixty-four per cent of the crop has now been seeded in the region. This is well behind the five-year average (2017-2021) of 95 per cent. Most seeded fields are in the west half of the region while many fields in the east half are still too wet to work in.
Within the region, 89 per cent of the lentil acres, 85 per cent of the field peas, 74 per cent of the canary seed, 72 per cent of the durum, 64 per cent of the spring wheat, 57 per cent of the canola, 54 per cent of the barley and 36 per cent of the oats have been seeded to date.
The Moosomin area reported the most rainfall at 92 mm, the Stoughton area 89 mm, the Bienfait area 65 mm and the Weyburn area 15 mm. Many rural municipalities in this region have already received over 200 mm of precipitation since April 1, this is very good to see in terms of soil moisture conditions, but it is making field work and seeding difficult. Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 32 per cent surplus, 63 per cent adequate, three per cent short and two per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as eight per cent surplus, 84 per cent adequate, seven per cent short and one per cent very short.
The majority of crops across the region are rated to be in excellent to good condition. Earlier seeded crops have been quick to germinate and emerge, mostly cereals and pulses have been reported to have emerged so far. Most damage this past week was from wind and flooding.
Producers are patiently waiting for conditions to improve so they can continue seeding. Cattleman have started moving more of their cattle to pasture now that there is sufficient grass growth that will sustain grazing cattle.
Â鶹´«Ã½AVwestern Saskatchewan Crop Region
The producers in the southwest are nearly done their seeding operations and those who have completed seeding their fields are anxiously waiting for rain to improve soil moisture conditions. Ninety-seven per cent of the crop has been seeded, up from 76 per cent last week and is ahead of the five-year average (2017-2021) of 91 per cent for this time of year.
Ninety-nine per cent of the lentil acres, 98 per cent of the canola and field peas, 97 per cent of the durum, 95 per cent of the spring wheat, 93 per cent of the barley, 92 per cent of the oats and 90 per cent of the flax has been seeded to date.
Rain in the region ranged from nothing to 12 mm in some areas of the region. The Shaunavon area reported the most with 12 mm, the Admiral and Gouldtown areas received 5 mm while the Gull Lake and Leader areas received four mm.
Significant rain showers are needed throughout the region to improve and sustain crop and pasture growth as the days become warmer. The warm temperatures and wind have continued to dry the soil. Winds have also continued to prevent spraying and weeds have become an issue in many fields.
Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 58 per cent adequate, 26 per cent short and 16 per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as 45 per cent adequate, 28 per cent short and 27 per cent very short. Pastures in the region are reported as showing signs of deterioration due to the lack of moisture and windy conditions.
Most crops in the region are rated to be in good to fair condition, many fields in the region are too dry and crops have been very slow to emerge. Most of the damage this past week has been caused by wind, dry soil conditions and flea beetles. Producers are busy in-crop spraying for weeds and will be starting to spray for flea beetles in fields where infestations are high if the weather permits.
East-Central Saskatchewan Crop Region
Wet conditions have further delayed seeding. Some producers have just started their after waiting weeks for their fields to dry up and for the rain to stop. Seeding is at 50 per cent complete, which is well behind the five-year average (2017-2021) for this time of year of 89 per cent. Most of the progress in the region is in west half where less rain has been received over the past few weeks.
Within the east-central region, 83 per cent of the lentil acres, 81 per cent of field peas, 79 per cent of the durum, 51 per cent spring wheat, 48 per cent of barley, 43 per cent of canola, 36 per cent of flax and 31 per cent of oats have been seeded to date.
The Insinger and Esterhazy areas received more than 40 mm of rain over the past week, preventing many producers from continuing their field work. The Melville area received the next highest amount with 32 mm, the Foam Lake area 30 mm and the Earl Grey area 10 mm. While the rain is helping the soils and grass across the region recover from last years drought it would be appreciated by producers if the rain would halt so they could finish up their seeding operations quickly.
Earlier seeded crops are emerging slowly, and their growth has been delayed due to cool temperatures and excessive moisture. Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 35 per cent surplus, 63 per cent adequate, two per cent short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as 20 per cent surplus, 71 per cent adequate, five per cent short and four per cent very short. The majority of the crops are in good to fair condition. Most of the crop damage this week is due to flooding, wind and flea beetles.
West-Central Saskatchewan Crop Region
Producers in the region have been able to make very good progress with seeding over the past week. Ninety-five per cent of the crop has now been seeded, this is slightly ahead of the five-year average (2017-2021) of 91 per cent. Now that seeding is practically complete in the region, rain is needed.
Ninety-nine per cent of the field peas and lentil acres, 97 per cent of the mustard, 96 per cent of the durum, 95 per cent of the canola, 93 per cent of the spring wheat, 89 per cent barley, 87 per cent flax and 82 per cent oats have been seeded to date in the region.
Very little rain was received this past week, combined with severely windy, days the topsoil moisture conditions in the region continue to struggle. The Macklin area received the most rain with 7.5 mm, the Eyebrow area three mm and the Rose town area to mm. These minimal amounts of rain will do little for seeded crops and pasture land. Producers are hoping for substantial rain soon.
Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 21 per cent adequate, 50 per cent short and 29 per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as 21 per cent adequate, 44 per cent short and 35 per cent very short.
Most crops are in good to fair condition, but they will quickly deteriorate if rain is not received in the coming weeks. Seeded crops have been slow to germinate and emergence is spotty due to the lack of moisture, some areas that have missed the rain entirely have had almost none of their crop emerge. Strong winds have prevented many producers from being able to spray, but in-crop spraying is starting in the region now that weed growth has increased. Most of the crop damage this week was due to wind, dry conditions, flea beetles and gophers.
Producers are busy wrapping up seeding, in-crop spraying as wind conditions allow, rolling pulses, and picking rocks.
Northeastern Saskatchewan Crop Region
Fields in this region are still quite wet, but warmer weather during the week allowed for some seeding progress. Sixty per cent of the crop is now seeded up from 22 per cent last week but well behind the five-year average (2017-2021) of 82 per cent for this time of year. Most areas of the region are reported to be about a week from completing their seeding operations, if no more rain is received.
Within the region 94 per cent of the field pea acres, 79 per cent of the flax, 77 per cent of the spring wheat, 63 per cent of the barley, 52 per cent of the oats and 49 per cent of the canola has been seeded to date.
The Humboldt, Lake Lenore and Arborfield areas all received 32 mm over the past week, with the Kinistino area receiving 18 mm and the Hudson Bay area 14 mm. There are many reports of standing water in fields and there will be many acres that go unseeded due to excess moisture across the region.
Soil moisture conditions are very good following weeks of rain. Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 17 per cent surplus, 81 per cent adequate and two per cent short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as 15 per cent surplus, 82 per cent adequate and three per cent short.
Most crops are in good or fair condition in the northeast region however in many parts of the region crops have been slow to emerge due to oversaturated fields, this may lead to seedling death and with time being short producers may not have time to reseed. Most of the damage this week was caused from flooding, wind and the first emerging flea beetles.
Northwestern Saskatchewan Crop Region
Minimal rains meant many producers were able to get out and seed over the past week. Ninety-three per cent of the crop has now been seeded in the region, up from 76 per cent last week and ahead of the five-year average (2017-2021) of 85 per cent. Some producers in the region need rain as their fields are very dry while others report they currently have adequate moisture for germination and pasture growth.
In the region, peas and lentil acres have been completed. Ninety-nine per cent of spring wheat, 92 per cent of flax, 91 per cent of canola, 87 per cent of barley, and 83 per cent of oats have been seeded.
No significant amounts of rain were received in the region this week, the Spiritwood area received the most with 22 mm, the Turtleford area 20 mm, the Meadow Lake area eight mm and the Lloydminster and Barthel areas four mm. Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 63 per cent adequate, 31 per cent short and five per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 52 per cent adequate, 32 per cent short and 15 per cent very short.
Most crops are in good condition to fair condition in the region. Cereals have been reported to be coming up nicely in many municipalities in the region. The crop damage this week that was reported was due to wind, flea beetles and light frosts. Producers are busy seeding green feed, spraying when possible, moving cattle to pasture and assessing pest populations.