Dear Editor
Has a law changed in Western Canada where a pedestrians do not have the right of way?
After taking a nine-block walk within our beautiful city, I have come across a few corners where a car does not care what a person is doing there, never mind trying to walk across the street.
I for one think a civil lesson in driving etiquette and law needs to be published in the form of a neatly written editorial!
It really would not be a matter of concern for me at all if I didn't have my two-year-old son with me, but unfortunately I did have my son with me and I had to contain a few choice words for the passing motorists and just maintain a calm attitude until I had reached my destination and then walked home.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it is more of an etiquette for pedestrians, I'm not completely sure. But if it helps to report these inconsiderate drivers or something I would sure like to do my part in reminding drivers that it much faster for them to reach their destinations as opposed to a walker.
Harlen Crier
North Battleford