It?s March and I?m tired of comfort food. I?ve craved enough salty, fatty snacks to last a year and although I want to bake and eat batches of cupcakes I don?t really want to eat batches of cupcakes. I?ve had enough of wanting to cook because the extra heat of the oven brings warmth to my kitchen. I want salad weather even though the price of lettuce reached $3.99 a head in town this week due to world weather patterns and global events. I want my cravings to be for fresh watermelon eaten on the steps and fresh radishes from a garden. I?m wishing for tasty vegetables and healthy, satisfying snacks.
Sitting in my house in yoga pants under my jeans and a thick bunnyhug isn?t my idea of ?almost spring? attire and I?m actually considering putting up my hood as I type this. I?m trying to maintain an attitude of gratitude for a good life in a good country, but some days it is more difficult and I just feel chilled.
It hasn?t been a bad winter, we?ve had only short stretches of really cold weather, but my heavy woollen socks are wearing as thin as the season?s welcome.
I?ve often heard it said we wouldn?t have anything to talk about in Saskatchewan if we didn?t have the weather. I believe it and it seems to have inspired generations of prairie artists and writers who have created a unique style in this part of the country.
In January, I attended a panel discussion in Saskatoon where authors spoke about ?writing north.? It seemed the weather played a big role as a setting and even a character in their works.
Last week many members of the community headed out to tropical destinations and to snow-covered mountains. Those returning tanned and smiling are fading fast and those who enjoyed the slopes spoke of extra time at the hotel pool because the weather was too cold to open the runs. The late February vacation often ushers in a milder return to reality, but not this year.
I like to have control over my situation, to make plans and be able to keep them. The weather keeps me humble as it changes my schedule and I feel I have no control. I do have a choice though, I can stand at my window and curse the white mounds and freezing temperatures or I can immerse myself in another book of soup and stew recipes layering on another item of clothing or wrapping up in a blanket hoping the weatherman is right and by the time you read this it isn?t quite so cold.