Dear Editor
July 12, 13 and 14, 2013, will bring many former employees of the Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford, to the Battlefords.
The hundreds of employees over these past 100 years, lived in and around the Battlefords, but retired elsewhere.
I know many of them will be eager to come home to share this memorable event.
We should be proud of our contribution in providing compassionate care to those in need for the past 99 years.
This celebration will allow hundreds of these former employees to reunite with friends and former colleagues, to visit the Saskatchewan Hospital and tour the once famous beautiful hospital grounds.
I hope the many former employees who continue to make their home in and around the Battlefords, as well as those living in our province and elsewhere, will take this opportunity to share in this celebration.
Please mark the dates of July 12, 13 and 14, 2013, on your calendar and plan to be part of this great reunion!
Let's make this the most memorable reunion ever!
Jane Shury
Former Employee [RPN]