We are already in week three of our month of small changes. How are you making out? Have you incorporated at least a few of my recommended changes? If you haven't started yet, try this week. Remember, small changes can make a huge impact.
Try these things this week:
Day 16: Follow up with your doctor about the results of your physical. If you haven't booked one yet, do it today!
Day 17: Drop another cup of coffee and replace it with an additional glass of water. If it is a hot beverage you crave in the afternoon, try hot water with a lemon wedge.
Day 18: Time to bump up your exercise routine. If you have been working out two to three times a week for about 30 minutes up it to four times per week or increase the time to about 45 minutes.
Day 19: Practice good posture. Holding good posture not only keeps all your organs in the right place, it also helps you appear about 10 pounds lighter and gives you a more self confident demeanour.
Day 20: This one might be challenging and will require a little planning. For today, nothing processed. Nothing from a box. Nothing from a can. Freshly prepared food only! Shop on the outside of the grocery store. Fresh vegetables, fruits, salad and lean meats are great examples of unprocessed foods. It really isn't that difficult and supper will be amazing!
Day 21: Practice stress reduction today. This can mean different things to different people. Meditation, a warm bath, a workout, maybe even just an extra hour of sleep. Whatever works for you, do it today!
Day 22: Think about your goals. Start creating your bucket list. Where do you see yourself tomorrow, a year from now, 10 years from now? Physically, mentally and financially. We can't figure out how to get somewhere if we don't know where we are going.
Day 23: Start taking a multivitamin. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. A simple once a day tablet will do. It will help you pick up on areas you are missing with your diet.
The more you start implementing small changes like these, the better you will feel. Remember that to be healthy you must include both physical and mental wellness.
Say it! Mean it! Do it!