The N.E.R.P.A. [North East Recreation And Parks Association] Senior Games were held at Archerwill on Friday, Feb. 12.
Members from the following clubs attended, Beatty, Bjorkdale, Codette, Garrick, Melfort, Mistatim, Nipawin, Porcupine Plain, Ridgedale, Star City, Sylvania, White Fox, Zenon Park and Weldon.
Competitions were held in card games, checkers, darts, pool, shuffleboard and carpet bowling.
At the noon meal provided by the Archerwill club, George Hess brought greetings and well-wishes from N.E.R.P.A. and also gave a resume on the progress made by the organizers of the ’88 Senior Provincial Olympics. No host community had been chosen thus far.
Ross Lynd, the regional consultant from Melfort, went to work in the afternoon recording and scoring results and at the end of the day declared that the host club Archerwill had scored the most points and was given the plaque to be retained for one year. Second in points was the Garrick club followed by White Fox.