The St. Walburg Royal Purple December meeting brought out 31 members. The evening began at 6:30 p.m. with a potluck feast, followed by the regular monthly meeting and Christmas party. Santa’s elves were present to hand out gifts.
We drew names for new secret friends for the next year. District deputy Dorothea Hocher made her official visit this evening. She said her theme for the year is “We Shall Overcome.”
As is required, bylaw committee Judy Helperl and Donna Hall have gone through the bylaws and revised where necessary. The Lodge as a whole voted to pass the bylaws as presented.
Past district deputy Donna Hall, assisted by PDD Betty Malanchuk, installed two officers. Martha Werner-Johnson was presented with her 10-year pin.
It was time to form a committee for the annual ladies’ night out. HRL Judy Helperl, Kim Rendle and Lois Hawryluk have put their names in for the committee.
Royal Purple is obligated to deliver Meals on Wheels in January.
Thel Romphf, Lynn Clarke and Kim Gardner’s birthdays were acknowledged this month.
The new lunch committee members for January, February and March, 2015, are Dorothea Hocher, Kim Gardner and Joan Karst.
The last seniors’ dinner in 2014, the Christmas dinner, will be Dec. 18. In the new year, the first dinner will be Jan. 15 and continue every two weeks after that.
Wishing our readers a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy 2015.