SPIRITWOOD — The North West Museum Association spring meeting was held April 30 in Spiritwood. Four members from the Maidstone Museum attended, accompanied by two members from Lashburn Museum.
Spiritwood Museum president Don Voss welcomed the 41 museum people who attended from Bresaylor, Glaslyn, Goodsoil, Lashburn, Maidstone, Meadow Lake, Neilburg, Rabbit Lake, St. Walburg, Turtleford and Spiritwood.
Gwen Zweifel of Paradise Hill chaired the meeting with Cathy Beorg of Lashburn taking minutes. A detailed agenda was followed until noon, when a delicious hot meal was served by the Spiritwood members.
After lunch, a hilarious skit depicting a "museum in a suitcase" at a nursing home was presented.
A guided tour of the Spiritwood Museum was enjoyed.
The meeting was held at the Spiritwood Seniors' Centre on a beautiful sunny day. The raffle of a queen size quilt and pillows was drawn for and won by Teresa Jordon of North Battleford. Money raised for publishing of the Saskatchewan Women of Influence Book was $1,398. Thank you to all who sold tickets and all who purchased tickets.
 Dale Herbert  of Neilburg presented their latest way of making money to the museum with "chase the ace" ticket sales and noon lunches. Other community organizations can raise money for their projects by serving the noon lunches every other week.
The fall meeting is tentatively scheduled for Turtleford on Oct. 15.