Others have seen snow on the ground before Monday, but the first snow here was Nov. 1. It soon disappeared as the temperature rose to around 5 C. Needless to say we can expect winter snow soon. Snow was falling again in the morning Nov. 2.
Waseca fall supper was held Nov. 1 and was well attended despite the wet muddy roads. A big thank you to all the volunteers who made it a success.
As I said in a previous column, people travel long distances to attend the various fall suppers. It is a great time to visit with people one does not see very often.
Congratulations to Renee and Maurice Donovan on the birth of their first grandchild. Jack Randal Churchman was born Oct. 31 to Ian Churchman and Lindsay Donovan of Saskatoon. He weighed in at seven pounds, nine ounces. Renee and Maurice were there at the time of his birth. Best wishes and congratulations to the new parents, Lindsay and Ian.
It is interesting to see Christmas lights are already going up in the village. The way time flies, Christmas will be here before we know it.
We have once again made the fall time change. It makes quite a difference in the latter part of the day with darkness coming an hour earlier. For many of us, the time change can mean that we change our driving habits. When we have appointments east of us, in the Battlefords or Saskatoon, we have to allow for an extra hour of time to make the trip. It is unfortunate that this small section of Saskatchewan has to follow Alberta time.