Spring tempts us, but we know it is too good to be true. You know the adage — three snows after the crows. Sunday started out a beautiful day, but by suppertime we had a real blizzard going. Apparently at Meeting Lake there accumulated about five inches of the sloppy wet stuff. That said many of the spring friends have arrived. We have seen gophers playing along the highway, ducks and geese are wondering what they are to do with a frozen lake and some have reported seeing bluebirds.
While we were gone to Cuba, Shirley Leigh celebrated a significant birthday. Friends and relatives gathered at the Rabbit Lake Senior Sunrise Circle to wish her well on her number 70. Many of Shirley’s classmates were in attendance. Congratulations, Shirley.
If you had been at the annual snowmobile rally and stayed to see the prizes awarded you would have heard that Dave Martens was the winner of the $1,250 prize, however that was a simple mistake and it should have been Dave Mischuk. Apparently the ticket only read Dave M. but on further investigation it was determined to be Dave Mischuk. Congratulations Dave M.!
March 13, about 80 people gathered at the Rabbit Lake Community Hall to hear A Bunch a Guys sing and play. Lunch and visiting followed.
April 16, the Rabbit Lake Community Hall Board will sponsor a spring supper. This supper is in lieu of the annual Easter supper. Over the last years the Easter supper and the Mayfair fish fry have coincided on the same evening. This year we can take in both.
March 9 the Rabbit Lake Senior Sunrise Circle held its annual general meeting. A good turnout made the effort to attend. The executive for this year is president Jim Tomkins, vice-president Dave Plummer, secretary Naomi Unger and treasurer Lynn Morrison. Cornie Martens had been president for 12 years and we thank him for his time and dedication.
March 17, Rose Gill Lodge will be sponsoring a Kaiser tournament at the lodge. Tournament begins at 7 p.m.
March 31 is the annual general meeting for the Rabbit Lake Community Hall Board.